Martin Koksrud Bekkelund

Martin Koksrud Bekkelund

Teknologi • Samfunn • Politikk


This page lists all articles written for my international readers. I hope you like them. If you’d like to get in touch you may mail me at, and I’ll try to answer as best as I can.

List of international articles

  • Tibber (German)

Norwegian articles

I’ve been writing this blog in Norwegian for 25 years. There’s a list of articles that you may run through Google Translate if you’d like to read them in your native language.

About Martin

This is Martin Koksrud Bekkelund’s private site, where he writes about technology management and how technology, society and politics affects each other. Martin is the director of product and business development at Norway Post.

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Om Martin

Martin Koksrud Bekkelund

Dette er Martin Koksrud Bekkelund sitt private nettsted, hvor han skriver om forbrukerteknologi, teknologiledelse og hvordan teknologi, samfunn og politikk påvirker hverandre. Martin er innehaver av konsulentselskapet Nivlheim. Les mer...


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